Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Christmas from Noah and Nicholas!!!
If you know the boys well, you know this is the absolute best picture of the boys and their personalities. Noah crying, and Nick admiring Mrs. Claus' shiny bracelet.
We'll post more pictures later :)

Friday, December 12, 2008

I know, I's been awhile

So...I haven't gotten to update the blog in a couple weeks, and I'm really sorry! The boys have been a couple of handfuls lately! So...this post will be picture heavy, but I wanted to put some of our most recent pictures up! As soon as I upload our videos, I'll post those too!
The boys are changing everyday! I can't believe how much they have grown. They are totally in love with each other, that's for sure...haha. They are so playful and really enjoy spending time together. And, as sweet and innocent as Nicholas looks...don't be fooled!! He has been tormenting Noah lately! Pushing him over, biting him, hitting him in the's hard to keep a straight face and tell him no!
Nick has developed a new "smile". He squishes up his whole face and squints his's absolutely adorable. Noah is big into making a "wheezing" noise and flailing his arms in the air. And they are BOTH still some pretty awesome dancers.
They have HUGE, and I mean HUGE, appetites. Whenever Jared and I try to eat, it's a big screamfest in our apartment! It's horrible...but, the good news is...I don't think they are going to be picky eaters! They love ANY kind of food that's given to them!
Jared has been really busy with work, and any spare moments I have throughout the days are spent planning the wedding...I would really just love time to slow down a bit so I can fit more stuff into a day!! enjoy the pictures....cause I sure do!!! Check back for videos!!

The famous squishy-face smile :)

Hahaha...I just love this...
Nick even flirts when he drinks out of his cup!

Noah chowin down at Thanksgiving!!

My favorites :) Our first Thanksgiving!!

Mama's boys :)

See...this is the smile I'm talking about!!

Nicky and Mommy :)

Nick's smile cracks me up!! It looks like he is ALL gums!!!!

I love their smiles!!!!

My cute little Noah getting ready for bath time!!!!

Noah wearing Mommy's scarf...Daddy was pleased....

I can hardly ever take pictures without Nick getting right up into the camera!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's almost Christmas time!!!!!!

Hi everyone!!!

A lot of people have been asking for ideas for the twins for Christmas gifts...So I thought I would make a little wish list on the Babies R Us website. All you do is click on the wish list button (or click this link: ) Then you can enter my name, or the boys' names, in Pendleton IN, and their list will pop up! The things they LOVE right now are The Backyardigans, books, Fisher Price Little People, anything that makes noise, things they can stack, or anything they can put in their mouths!! In Noah's case, he will just take food for Christmas :) . Also, we go to The Children's Place and Babies R Us all the time, so if you wanted to go the gift card route, that's okay too! Hopefully this helps everyone with ideas!

As far as how the boys are doing, they are Great!!! Nick is getting really good at waving Hello...although he still gets confused sometimes and waves at himself! Which I think is even cuter! We had a doctors appointment the other day, and they were both weighed...and suprise suprise...Noah weighs 2 pounds more than Nick. Noah has had a few times where he will stand up completely on his own...but I can't ever get it on video! They are both sneaky little things now too, and are constantly finding new ways to get into any and everything!

AND if you haven't heard, Jared and I have set a wedding date finally! June 13th, 2009!!! It's coming up I'm frantically trying to plan all of that out. My sorority sister Cassie and her mom Debbie are helping out SO MUCH!!! So, I know it's going to be awesome!

I will post new pictures and videos shortly!!! Much love!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Great Grandpa singing with Nicholas
Jared and the Hacienda band...We had them sing him Happy Birthday a few days early..He was just THRILLED!!! Hahahaha!

My little sister and I...on her sixteenth birthday!!! Love you Han!

This is the video of the band singing Happy Birthday to Hannah!

Noah wasn't quite sure what to think about the band...his reaction was absolutely hilarious! Nick seemed a bit scared...

If you haven't heard yet...the boys are dancing!!! It is so funny to watch. Noah is more into it than Nicholas...but he is coming out of his shell! I think he's a little camera shy ;)

These pictures were also taken on Halloween. The boys found out that they like...or should I say LOVE...Cool Whip!!! My dad would squirt it out of the bottle into their mouth and after they figured out what was coming out of it, they kept trying to get more!! It was hysterical!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our First Halloween!!

So...the Halloween pictures are a little late...but better late than never!!! It was hard to get them to sit still for good pictures, but we did the best we could!

Nick was a little lion, which we decided on because of how he used to growl constantly. Noah as a giraffe....and there is really no reason behind that, other than it was hilarious. They were the CUTEST little animals anyone has ever seen. We didn't go trick or treating this year, because the boys and I had colds...but next year, it's ON!!! Just another great thing about twins...TWICE the amount of candy at Halloween!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

This weeks update :)

Things have been a little hectic around here this week. Noah has dealt with his recovery VERY well so we are really thankful for that. Two days ago he caught a cold and he has been kind enough to share it with his brother and mama. So we are down for the count right now which is no fun. It's hard to chase after these two when you don't feel well!! The only plus side to being under the weather for the boys is that they are extra cuddly...which I love!!
We also got to spend last Sunday with my family for our big birthday celebration party! That was tons of fun and it was awesome to get to see everyone!
Anyway, here are some pictures for you to enjoy :)

Noah with his Grandpa and the new hat :)

The boys and Uncle Jeff! During his very short visit home!

Noah sporting one of the cutest hats ever!

This picture is better if you imagine Nick's little sqeal that he loves to do..hahaha

Our new winter hats!!!

Aren't they just the cutest kids you have EVER seen?!?!?!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

An update on Noah's surgery's over!! Noah did amazing...I think he handled it better than I did! He is a champ!! They came to our room to get him a little before 1:00 on Wednesday and brought him back to us about two hours later. He is doing so well...seems really unaffected by what happened! So, that is of course good for Mama! :) Nick stayed with Grandpa and Momo and we missed him TERRIBLY! It was definitely weird to only have one baby for awhile! Noah was REALLY happy to have his brother back!

So, I'm going to post some pictures of my little man in his little peach hospital gown...Can I just say, he was the CUTEST patient that Riley hospital has EVER seen!!

Thank you to EVERYONE for your thoughts and prayers!! I am so glad it's over with!
Noah playing with some toys from the hospital

Noah getting some love from his Mimi

Noah LOVED this little ball. I think it saved us from him crying the whole time...and we found it hilarious how he pushed it around and chased it!!

Little Noah right after they brought him back to us....

A picture of his little IV :(

He is ADORABLE!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Noah's Surgery

Noah is having his surgery this Wednesday, October 26th. We have to be there at 11:00 and the procedure will start at 12:30. So, of course, please keep him in your thoughts and prayers!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The best moments...

A day at the Park!!

We went to the park a few weeks ago to take pictures with Aunt Amy, Cameron, Emma, Olivia, and Momo. We discovered that the boys LOVE to swing!!! They could have stayed in there forever I think.

We are learning to feed ourselves!!

We are trying to get the boys to start feeding themselves....needless to's really messy and really funny at the same time!! Noah doesn't waste anytime putting anything in his mouth. Nick hasn't quite mastered the whole "picking things up" idea. He just mostly scoots things around the tray and gets some really nice sticky fingers. Noah on the other hand, is a garbage disposal.

Gammy playing with the boys...CAUTION: Lots of laughter involved

Our Cuties :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The boys watchin their Grandpa out in the yard...They are his biggest fans :)

Happy Birthday Mommy!!!